Saturday, March 10, 2007

Spokesperson for the Beverly Hills Gun Club

Thinking more into the future, what about a spokesperson for the new Beverly Hills Gun Club? There would be some great promotional opportunities by selecting the right spokesperson.

The first idea that comes to mind is an actual celebrity who lives in Beverly Hills. It would be great if we can collect an eclectic mix. The image of Beverly Hills is an eclectic one, anyway. You have high-profile conservatives mixed in with Hollywood entertainers. The common bond between them is wealth and success --- or so it appears to most people. The ideal is to have representatives from that mix. It can be a rapper, an actor, a model, a movie producer, a high powered physician, a corporate executive, and so on.

But we're just dreaming now, because -- hey! --- we're starting out small potatoes, remember?

Initially, we can sponsor a semi-successful IPSC or IDPA shooting competitor. The shooter wears our logo in competition and lends us his image for our website, newsletter and other public relations. It wouldn't cost much. Unfortunately --- but fortunately for us at the moment --- elite shooters aren't paid anywhere near the big bucks of professional basketball players and other pro athletes. While you need to pay millions to Serena Williams to be the image for your company, you can just give some free branded jackets, gear and a couple hundred bucks to an elite shooter. Not trying to be exploitative here, but that's just the reality.

BTW, here's something else I discovered which can provide a low-cost option in this subject. We can hire a low-level actor or actress type who hasn't made it yet. That person understands the mentality and profile of Beverly Hills but just doesn't have the funds. Believe me, the can be hire inexpensively, and there are a lot of them ready and willing. All it takes is an ad in to get a large list of candidates.